Sinus surgery is often performed for patients who suffer from chronic sinusitis.
Symptoms of sinusitis may include any combination of;

  • Pressure and pain in the face
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Post nasal drip
  • Infected nasal secretions
  • Feeling unwell with high temperatures
  • Tooth ache
  • Recurrent chest infections ( from infected post nasal secretions )

Prior to considering surgery patients will have a complete ENT examination including sinonasal endoscopy and usually CT scan imaging of the sinuses. All aspects of treatment are discussed including further medical treatment if indicated.

Patients who are considered for sinus surgery are usually those who gain no further benefit from medical therapy.

Some patients have sinus surgery combined with other nasal procedures such as septoplasty and turbinoplasty, to open the airway, and or  Rhinoplasty – to alter the shape and improve the external appearance of the nose.

The aim of modern techniques of sinus surgery is to open narrow or damaged passages  to allow natural drainage and ventilation of the affected sinuses.

At Southern ENT sinus surgery is performed using endoscopes as keyhole surgery. The openings to the sinuses are visualized through cameras mounted on tiny endoscopes and the images viewed on a screen. This enables very accurate surgery to be undertaken with minimal disturbance to the surrounding anatomy.

At the completion of the procedure small absorbent dissolvable dressings are usually placed in the nose which wash away using post operative sinus rinses. Unlike packing, dissolvable dressings placed in the nose do not require removal.

Most sinus surgery is performed as overnight stay treatment and most patients are discharged the morning after surgery.

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